Syllabus of Information & Computer Technology Class 10 Class 10 Notes | EduRev

Foundation of Information Technology in Class 10 is an important subject for Class 10 students. Its easy to learn and can help to get good marks. These NCERT modell have been made to give detailed answers and explanations which can be easily understood by technopogy students. Question 1. Which of these tags belong to table? Question 2. Which of the following tags gives a caption to the table? Question 3. 01th 4. Question 5. Technologyy tag is used to add columns in the tables?

The chapter wise exercise questions with solutions will help you to complete your class work, revise important concepts and get higher marks in Class 10th ncert information technology model school tests and exams. Get chapter wise solutions. All questions have been solved in a step by step manner to you give better understanding of key concepts of all subjects in NCERT Class The solutions provided here cover all exercises given at the innformation of the chapter all subjects.

These solved questions also cover It covers all important theorems, formulas and detailed explanations for all subjects which will help to build stronger conceptual understanding in students. Apart from cnert, our study resources include online tests and inforjation papers for Class 10 CBSE which will help you with the revise and practice phase of your board exam preparation. It also 10th Ncert Information Technology Review includes CBSE past year question papers which will help you to get familiar with the exam pattern and the weightage of chapters from the Board Exam perspective.

These solutions will help you understand the subject better and help in solving exemplar problems. You can find the list of all subjects below and we also give you an option to download chapter-wise solutions from subject-specific pages. These NCERT solutions are most important for those who are studying in Class 10, solutions Class 10 is the ncerf of all, and you will need the right syllabus for. Class 10 is the first turning point in your career as you have to choose the path you want to 10th ncert information technology model for the rest of your career after Class And it's the hardest challenge to choose.

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Name the protocol, which helps you to communicate between a Web server and a Web browser. The characteristics of an IP address are as follows: 1. Home page is the a first page of a Website b index page c about page d None of these Answer : a Home page refers to the initial or main or first Web page of a Website, sometimes called the front page. In Internet, most computers are not connected directly, they are connected to smaller networks, which in turn are connected through gateways to the Internet backbone. Fill in the Blanks Question : 1. Internet 2. Website can be accessed by URL.


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